Can I select a particular delivery time?

The courier may assign a 2-hour delivery window for your item, but please note that we cannot guarantee delivery within this timeframe due to factors outside our control. We recommend using the timeslot as a helpful estimate and treating the delivery as an all-day appointment, where the item may arrive at any time between 8 am and 6 pm. If your item is not delivered on the designated day, it will be scheduled for delivery on the following business day. We are unable to provide financial compensation for any delays that occur with the courier service. We extend our apologies for any inconvenience that may result from such delays.

Signature: Please make sure that there is someone available to provide a signature upon the delivery of your package, as a signature is required for all items. Please keep this in mind, especially if there is typically no one at home during the daytime. If there is no one available, the courier will take one of the following actions: They will make another delivery attempt on the next business day, leave the package with a neighbour, or leave a notice with additional instructions. Please be aware that we do not have control over which option the driver chooses. Additionally, please note that weekends are not considered business days.

For any questions or concerns please contact us at We promise to address all inquiries within 3 hours during business hours.